So sorry I missed the live zoom but the recording was still so helpful for me. Thank you!

I've been trying to be aware since erev Rosh Hodesh of what Shevat might want me to focus on. What has come up is soul-aligned friendships, sister/witch wounds, and forgiveness of self/others so that I can move towards acceptance.

A recent podcast also emphasized 'for' over 'to', which was so in line with something Ketzirah said in this chat. The podcast mentioned thinking of moments as 'why is this happening FOR me' instead of thinking 'to me', what can it teach me. What does it reflect in me?

And the song/ message that I thought of was Whitney Houston's version of I Will Always Love You, which I connect with a past love, now a platonic love. But also I thought of it as if it was sung like Adele's 'Hello', which is a song from her past self to her future self. So in this context a song to a lover becomes a song to ourselves for forgiveness.


Michelle Fish/Araphelah Metukah


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And your comment about “I Will Always Love You” might be even more accurate than you know. It’s actually a Dolly Parton song that she wrote for Porter Wagner, who got her really started in the business, when she was leaving his show. I definitely think it was as much about her and as it was about him.


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